Thursday, November 5, 2009

Kairos Invention

Because Kairos is not only temporal but also spatial, its exploration can generate questions such as these?

1. Have recent events made the events made the issue urgent right now, or do I need to show its urgency to make it relevant to the present? Will a history of the issue help in this regard?

Recent events have not made this issue on divorce urgent right now, but I need to show some type of urgency to make it relevant to the present. History of the issue will most definitely help in this regard.

2. What arguments seem to be favored by what groups at this time? That is, which communities are making which arguments? How are their interest served by these arguments?

Arguments seem to be favored by children and young adults suffer from divorce at this time because of the issues a divorce brings to a family. Their interest are served by a type of arguments that makes the nation look pathetic and unstable, considering over 50% of marriages result in divorce.

3. What venues give voices to which sides of the issues? Does one group or another seem to be in a better position—a better place—from which to argue? In other words, what are the power dynamics at work now, in this place and in this community? Why?

Venues such as articles, documentaries, papers and organizations that discuss the issue and other types of professions that give power in their voice through their profession such as psychiatrists, counselors, etc.

The power dynamics that is at work now comes from the power dynamics that comes from my own personal experiences with divorce, as well as a great deal of rhetorical work and studies throughout this semester and previous years of my life. It fits into the community because marriage is almost forced by tradition among our culture, however, more than 50% result in divorce and not sticking with their promise, therefore, this brings a major problem within our society.

4. What lines of argument would be appropriate or inappropriate considering the prevailing needs and values of the audience?

Lines within the argument would need to involve appropriate arguments for the issue because many who have not been affected by divorce my not take divorce as a issue that needs to be resolved like other issues that are more serious and URGENT than others. The prevailing needs and values of the audience should be along the lines of appropriate argument that is being considered.

5. What other issues are bound up with discourse about this issue right now, in this place and in this community? Why?

Other issues are tied and bound up with discourse with divorce in this place and in this community because marriage is a way of life for all adults that commit to each other, but it is a problem in this place and in this community because the divorce rate is higher than ever, soon it may become a statistic that over rules marriage if divorce gets out of hand. Marriage would then not be taken seriously or be valued within society. Therefore, that is why it is important to discuss this issue and the other issues that are bound up with divorce in American communities around the nation.

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