Tuesday, September 8, 2009

In Search of the American Dream?

It was a stormy dark night, monsoon season still roaring throughout the desert at large. Lighting bolts extended like stretched fingers, which instantly lit up the entire sky with a rare summer glow. The extremely bright and quick flash lit up the entire desert. Suddenly something appeared in the distance. A traveling man was journeying his way north through the state of Arizona. To embark on this expedition did not mean to grab your boots, spurs, saddle, and horse either. The man journeying from Tucson to Tempe was certainly on a mission, but too wet outside to be playing cowboys and Indians. He traveled the interstate that was restricted to two-lanes, desperately avoiding red and blue lights as much as possible. Dodging photo enforcement and sirens in the distance, the traveling man resumed his route in cruise control. Thankful for a safe drive home, he exited off the slippery highway roads, preparing his mind for what would happen in the morning. A quest that had never been ventured in a previous lifetime of underage drinking, this man was prepared more than ever. It was time; finally, he was ready to fall asleep. Yet, the excitement and the anticipation of tomorrow would bring him to a state of apprehension. It was true; sleeping would be harder to do than he first thought. His imagination grew wild, tossing and turning in bed, he imagined a city that did not sleep. Like the Kanye West song, “Flashing Lights”, rang in his head like a Christmas song gets stuck in one’s head after a Christmas carol. Typical Las Vegas based movies like: “Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas”, “Vegas Vacation”, “Hangover”, and “What Happens In Vegas Stays In Vegas” were replaying in his mind—preparing him for a Vegas trip that he would never forget. It was an illusory feeling that kept him in a fantasy like realm. Was this going to be a trip in search of the American Dream? Questions like this constantly raced through his mind.
The smell of money filled the air the next morning. Las Vegas was the destination and money was going to provide this experience. A buddy of his swooped him up from his house, after both friends frantically tried to turn in their remaining assignments online so they would not get penalized credit. For some odd reason, both of their computers decided to play games when they needed it most. Hoping that everything got turned in correctly, they both rushed out the door faster than a crook leaving a bank. It was finally time, friends and family, all excited to reunite in Las Vegas, Nevada. The scenic drive of the Sonora desert gave these gentlemen the peace of mind they needed to prepare their mind and body for what would happen next. Technological applications on their handheld cellular phones helped these men find their way using GPS. Six to seven hours later, these two men finally had made it to the Las Vegas strip, aka “Sin City”. The time had finally come; it was time for him to experience everything that Las Vegas had to offer. TO BE CONTINUED…….

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